Wowee! So proud of myself that I got up at 6:30 on a Saturday to do my work out. I woke up and I could not walk. Actually, I was having problems walking last night; those jump moves really make my calves suffer. I don't think it's a great idea for me to have done 2 work out sessions in a 12-hour period, but I don't plan on doing it often.
Today was cardio power and resistance. I began to figure out that I probably won't make it through any of these dvds without stopping and that my goal should be to stop as little as I can. (Even the people in the video stop once in a while.) Again, the high knees.. urgh. Combine that with a jump (did I mention I have no hops?) and you get a very tired Chloe. One of the hardest exercises was the jump in the air and make your hands and touch at waist height. The other hard one was the moving push ups, but that's just because I can barely do a push up. The alternating 8 squat jumps / 8 push ups was easy and hard: I have no problem with squat jumps, but the push ups kill me. I admit I wasn't going down all the way and by the second to last and last reps I was probably going down about 1/4 of the way.
Oh yeah, food -- I ate a small apple and drank more of my Vitamin Water Zero. I hear that one of the best ways to burn fat is to do your work out first thing in the morning without food, but I always get lightheaded when I do that. I am glad my body was able to sustain itself on a small apple and I didn't feel heavy or any discomfort. Well, the discomfort came from my throat.. it's like I couldn't clear it enough. Gross.
This is super hard and better be worth it! Glad I got that out of the way this morning though. I was afraid I would miss it. SO GLAD I did not.
Tomorrow is Cardio Recovery. I doubt that's what it sounds like...