Oigh, this weekend was crazy so I did not have time nor the energy to blog. I did plyometrics on Saturday and I was supposed to do Cardio Recovery on Sunday, but I was snowboarding for 3 hours so I neglected to do Cardio Recovery. Plus I was super tired from only having had 5-6 hours of sleep the night before. I'm a tiny bit sore today, mostly in my legs, from snowboarding so I'm pretty sure I got in a good workout.
My eating habits have not picked up. blargh. I keep saying I'll work on it, then I don't. I hate saying this, but watching both what and how much I eat is difficult when I have to change my normal diet, which I view typically as high carb with fruits and veggies and low protein with meat substitutes sometimes and low/moderate fat with some chocolate, nuts and avocado. I think making myself eat a low carb, low fat, high protein diet is discouraging me from eating right. I am not eating horribly, but just not what I should be eating. Not sure if I want to scrap the diet plan and just stick to my normal eating (which is still better than what happened last week and this past weekend). But I want that bod and I was eating closer to high protein, low carb, low fat diet for 3 weeks. Ponder ponder.