Sunday, January 30, 2011


Apple, [worked out,] avocado, 20 oz of veg juice, 7 non-chicken chicken nuggets (130 cals in 4 nuggets), 2 small cookies, umami burger's earth burger (mushroom & edamame patty), 1/2 "hostess" cupcake and 1/2 chocolate peppermint cupcake (both vegan from Real Food Daily).

Insanity, Day 4: Cardio Recovery

I now realize that the Cardio Recovery was the one I did with Dennis and Albert in December and was the one that made me want to do Insanity in its entirety. I also realize now what Dennis meant when he said that was NOT LIKE the other sessions!!! There was stretching combined with some strength training. I'll admit, the parts when you're on all fours (but replace your knees with your toes and your knees are still bent, just a bit off the ground) were difficult for me. Thankfully, my previous classes at Pop Physique helped me do the butt exercises. At Pop Physique I got some individual attention and the teachers corrected my posture when I was doing something wrong; in the video, there's not really much of that. If you do it, just make sure you lift from your butt and NOT YOUR KNEE OR YOUR BACK. You want to keep your pelvis kind of tucked in ("kind of" as in, make sure you're not sticking out your butt). Actually, that's much easier to do on your toes and hands rather than knees and hands! At Pop Physique we would do these exercises on our hands and knees, making it much easier to slack off and arch your back. You want to feel that dimple in your butt when you do these exercises. The worst parts by far were the staying and pulsing. I definitely did not go through with all the staying and pulsing. There were some parts of the stretching where I had to stop too because I just couldn't stay in those poses for that long.

Tomorrow is Pure Cardio. Oh boy...

Last night and this morn...

Whoa! Check this out. I haven't been this tiny since high school:

Last night:
18% bf
56% tbw

This morn:
115.8 lbs
25.75" waist

lol, this is so not going to last. I think my numbers are so low because I had a pretty crazy day yesterday:
6:20 AM wake up
6:45 eat an apple and do 40 min exercise
8 eat an avocado and then go to farmers market
840 go home and get ready
11 go to san diego
1 drink 20 oz of veggie juice
1:30 eat a raw hamburger
3 eat 2 cookies (vegan choc chip and (non-veg) mocha mac nut)
4 play xbox kinect for 2.5 hours with very few breaks in between games
6:40 drink 12 oz Robek's juice (soy sorbet, mango, strawberry, soy protein)
9:05 get home and change clothes
9:15 leave for Exchange
1:15 leave Exchange after dancing the night away
total 48 oz of water

As you can see I didn't eat that much at all. I'm inclined to think the scale was off.. how was I 56% hydrated when I drank so little water and ate so little food compared to everything I did? I did the most physical activity (strenuous activity, not like, walking around Disneyland for a day) I've ever done in a 24-hour period (36 if you count the Insanity sesh from Friday night!) so I'm not really sure how I seem so hydrated on the scale. My stomach is understandably small from not eating much. Shrug. Since yesterday vastly deviated from my norm, I was hesitant about writing my stats down; I always weigh way less after I go clubbing. But the numbers are good to keep track of I guess.

Otherwise, I'm sore as heck. XBox Kinect had tons of jumping!!! But it is SO fun and I get competitive so I make myself jump and do everything. And, I always go all out on the dance floor. My calves are dying.

btw, driving a stick and having sore calves is NOT recommended....