I weighed myself this morning. 118 lbs. All that not working out is paying off!
In all seriousness, I don't know how much more muscle I can lose after the first couple of months of not working out. My waist was a good 26". Although, the bad part is that I haven't been drinking much water lately.
I've been slacking off food-wise. I ate like 4 quesadillas in the past 11 days. I finally caved and bought gluten-free tortillas. They are made from rice and are not as good as the flour kind.. of course. They get hard and not in a crunchy way. And they flake. I also ate some chocolate-covered almonds earlier this week. Boooo milk!
I hate to say it, but I am growing more and more hateful of food. The list of foods that I restrict keeps getting bigger. Rather than say what I choose not to eat, it's come to a point where it is much easier now to list the foods I DO choose to eat for environmental, moral, or skin purposes: fruit, vegetables, tree nuts, tofu, legumes that are not ground nuts, beans (although I suppose tofu goes in this category). Oh, chocolate, but I guess that goes in the beans category? The part where this hurts the most is cookies. A good vegan cookie isn't hard to come by, but it has wheat in it. I eat wheat sometimes. Like banh mi. Or cookies when I fold. Good news is my skin is under control. Well, under control in the sense that I know what causes acne and what doesn't for me, not under control in that my skin's completely clear, because it's not. I feel like if I screw up once I break out, which does if I eat certain things (like peanut butter or granola. Bread is hit or miss). So it makes me kind of depressed.
***edit*** just weighed myself to see my body fat percentage. 53% hydration = 23% body fat! Holy crap. I better water it up! I'm usually around 56% hydration. oigh.