I meant to work out yesterday to be all caught up today but that didn't happen. And it almost didn't happen today either!! I woke up tired again, but I had to force myself to do it tonight and I am SO GLAD I DID!!!! Unfortunately, things are getting a little tedious, I'm getting somewhat burnt out and I am looking forward to its completion.
Today was the Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit, but again I forwent the Fit Test and just did the Max Interval Circuit. Today was not easy to get through. There were so many things wrong. My wrists hurt again from all the stuff we do on the floor; the end of my ponytail kept getting in my way; my nose was slightly runny; my face was getting raw from wiping myself with the towel, so I stopped, but then sweat started dripping and I hate sweat (I know, I know, and I'm exercising!?) and it got in my eyes; I was shedding or something so hair got on my skin and I couldn't just leave it there so I had to pause and remove the strand of hair; there is so much hair on the floor even though I took care of that earlier this week. Alas I made it through the hour somehow. I am getting better at the ones where you put your hands down and jump out sideways to work out what I have figured out are Shaun T's favorite muscles, your obliques. I still suck at the side hops. They are REALLY tiring. and I hardly even attempted the jump kicks on your hands. I did almost all of them without the hop, but near the end I decided to try it with the hop and was surprised about how I did manage to do more than I expected. These work outs are so hard. My towel is soaked halfway through every single workout to the point where I have to seek dry spots to wipe my sweat.
What happened to Tania? She is not in Month 2. But I LOVE Ariel (although she looks like a robot in one of the exercises, can't remember which). I LOVE her. I think she is adorable and I am TOTALLY envious of her legs.
Food-wise, not great. WAY too many carbs. I am going to go shopping tomorrow to get low-carb and high-protein stuff. It feels good to look at the calendar and see that I'm on the second to the last week!!! I can do this!