Food-wise, I am not getting enough protein (that's not news). I don't eat a lot in general, but the ratio of carbs to protein to fat isn't looking quite right.
I know I still have a week left, but is it too early to post pictures? Yeah? What about dark grainy pictures? PLEASE remember that your muscles always look the best after you've worked out, and these pix were taken right after I worked out, before I ate, hips shoved forward, rounded back, muscles tightened really hard. I want to get to this point without having to contort my body! I am making progress though as prior to this I was rounder without any definition. (I BETTER freakin be making progress with all the hard work I've been doing in Insanity!!) I will have reached my fitness goals visually after I get tighter abs, lose some more fat around the gut line and my inner thighs. I will have reached my fitness goals strengthually after I can do a push up, a pull up and can hold a plank for 2 minutes straight.

Yay for grainy cellphone pictures? I know these aren't pictures of much.. but it's the most definition I've had in my stomach in my whole life. SO FAR. It will look better than this! Just you wait.