Oh wow, yesterday's rest was much appreciated. Although tonight my legs fatigued quickly. But I powered through. The thing where you do the side steps and touch the ground made me dizzy. The next times I focused on keeping my head down while still being able to raise my arms. I am surprised at how fast my progress has been; I'm already getting better at the suicide jumps (jump high and make your hands touch your knees). I'm getting better at globe jumps, too; by the next fit test I should be able to do way more than I did last time. The moving push ups were practically impossible in the 3rd time around. Like last time, the 8 squats + 8 push ups were easy + hard.
Slight annoyance is that my hair is getting long and I whip my haaaiir back and forth, I whip my haaaiir back and forth, I whip my haaaiir back and forth, which freakin hurts when it hits my back. But if I tie it up in a bun, it gets loose easily. If I wear a full shirt I get really hot and end up taking it off anyway (and I save on laundry this way).
Food: Not sure if my 50/30/20 protein/carbs/fat ratios are correct. Also, I started to make protein shake and veggie juice in the morning now. 125g protein from protein powder (mixed w/ water), 25oz veggie juice, 2 bananas, 2 peaches, raw salad, banh chung chay. I still need more protein and I need more fat. I'm fine with the carbs, I think especially after the banh chung chay...
Speaking of which, Happy New Year, everyone!