I went out of order because I didn't feel like doing Plyometrics and I had more time on the weekend to do Abs. I think the worst sport in Sports Training is basketball. It's a lot of sprinting and jump squats. Max Cardio was okay -- I pushed myself really hard on this one! The portion in the abs that's still super hard for me is the one where you get in a low plank and then lift the same side hand and leg. And the one where you're in a high plank and you have to make your knee reach your alternate and then same elbow is way harder than it looks! In order to make your knee touch you have to squeeze super hard.
I think I'm going to forget the Plyometrics. I'm dreading it. I didn't do it this morning. That's the worst one. It's a debate between finishing and not doing it because I hate it... Thoughts? Am I a pussy? I have the Fit Test left. I took measurements this morning, and the only things that have changed are my waist (quarter of an inch smaller), forearm (a little smaller), thighs (a little bigger), and my weight (gained 2.6 lbs). Abs, shoulders are more defined. I feel a lot stronger, and I'm sure my heart is stronger too. The distance between me and cardiovascular disease is growing!