First and foremost, I want to thank all of my friends for reading my blog. That means you, Armando, Keith, Albert, Dennis; and the ones I know who have stopped by here on at least one occasion: Mike, Charmaine and Veronica. The fact that you read this helps push me because I don't want there to be a day when I'm NOT exercising because I want to post about my progress and all the things I do. Social media-ly responsible, I guess. If you do read this, please let me know! It keeps me accountable and pressured in a good way.
Anyway, to the insanity that is Insanity. Last night, thanks to my new schedule, I had 2 hours to chill before I went to sleep so I sat on my bed and surfed the net. When I got up to put the lappy away, I was suddenly sore! When I woke up this morning, my upper back was aching. Right now it's especially that part that's I believe your lats. Like if you traced your arms down to where your side becomes your back in the upper back area. Brian at work was telling me that's probably how they keep you burning calories: change the focus from the lower half of the body (remember how I could not walk in the first couple of days of Insanity?) to the upper half. Been doing a LOT of push ups. I'll admit the squat to the push up is one of my favorite work outs. It's kinda fun. Oh, I also just noticed I haven't done a stupid mountain climber ever since I started Month 2!!! THANK GOODNESS!!! I freakin HATED those. Unfortch the mountain climbers for me got replaced by the jump-and-touch-your-knees exercises. I try really hard not to land too hard, but it's hard to land softly. Plus, again, I have no hops so I land way earlier than everyone else. This morning my muscles were all cold... and the warm up was hard to get through. Plus, during all the exercises, I feel like I tapped out early. I tried to push myself and guess who got nauseated! AGAIN!!! Had to pause the vid til the room stopped spinning. I need to stop doing that, geesh. The diamond jumps are difficult for me -- I have no hops at all, so anything having to do with vertical jumps is difficult. Also hard for me is the thing where you do a push up and then jump up so your feet are at your hands. My feet probably go like 1/2way to where they are supposed to actually go. Where am I supposed to get my power from?!
Anyway, the eensy bit of soreness is surprising to me. Today I had to put my fork down to give my shoulder and lat a rest from shoveling spinach salad into my mouf, can you believe that? 23 days to go...!