Thursday, January 27, 2011

Insanity, Day 1: Fit test

HOLY HELL that kicked my ass.

Switch Kicks 52
Power Jacks 43
Power Knees 77
Power Jumps 38
Globe Jumps 9
Suicide Jumps 14
Push-Up Jacks 20
Low Plank Oblique 23

The Fit Test is supposed to take about 20-25 min. It took me around 40 minutes. I literally stopped to rest and lie down 3x during these exercises and waited for the room to stop spinning. The first few I got through straight without stopping but after a while I just got faint and had to stop. I suppose I need to eat better -- a lunch of sweet potato fries doesn't exactly cut good eating (good tasting, though!). Other than that, I'm on my 4th 16-oz bottle of water, and I ate an apple, an Asian pear, some of a regular American pear (I stopped eating it because it started to taste yucky), and a banana for breakfast. I also ate some handfuls of nuts. ...oh. Well duh, I see why I almost fainted. I'm also too tired to make veggie juice. I'm about to put some non-chicken chicken nuggets in the oven too. Tomorrow I must eat better. Thinking about making protein smoothies in the morning or something. We'll see. That stuff tastes like yuck. They have nutritional guides / meal plans buuuut I hate following meal plans. Firstly, I feel restricted and just looking at what I can eat for the rest of the day makes me want to eat more. Secondly, I am WAY too picky, and I don't want to eat too many animal products (cheese, milk (including whey) and non-Yogurtland yogurt). And I'm probably the only vegetarian you'll meet who doesn't like mushrooms.

Kind of disappointed in my performance today; it's not often that I feel nauseated or faint during exercise. I also need to re-evaluate what I'm drinking -- water isn't enough, so I'm reading. I need to replenish my electrolytes. The Vitamin Water Zero looks appealing: it has electrolytes AND vitamin B12 (something I lack because I don't eat animal products too often).

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Previewed it today. Looks like I'm in for 60 days of treats...

I am glad that this doesn't take up TOO much room. I have about one and a half to two steps from my bed to my door and just more than enough room to do a somersault as the width and length of my exercise space and it's totally enough space to do this stuff.

Also: I have to learn how to land more softly when I do the jumping exercises. My left knee won't be able to handle much of it. Is it bad that I work out barefoot? Everyone in the video wears shoes but I don't want to wear shoes on my carpet... speaking of people in the video, damn, that girl in the Fit test kicks butt!! I will say though that she was TOTALLY cheating during that exercise where you lean on your right, have your hands up high and bring them down to your knee that you raise and lift. She barely had her hands above nose level!!!


  1. Hey sis, it's Dennis. I think it's great that you're blogging about this, and kudos for trying to get through Insanity! I think barefoot's fine. You should try to land with more give in your knee, though, especially given your foot structure. And though I have nothing against Vitamin Water Zero, do know that the B12 in it, from a medical standpoint, is completely superfluous even given your diet choice.

    My friend and I both think that Plyo's, like, top three hardest in the first month. Go sis, you can do it!

  2. Hi Dennis!

    - How to land with more give in my knee? Thx for remembering my foot structure. I am going judging by sound... I want to hear more of a soft landing than a loud wall-shaking thud.

    - Vit B12, really!? I even see on vegan msg boards to take B12 supplements. You know I have a problem with iron retention -- I think B vitamin and folate help the absorption of iron..?

    - Thanks for wishing me luck! I have a feeling I will send my hate out to you for 45 min everyday while I do this since you turned me on to it. But when I have toned arms and legs and ripped abs I will thank you :) hate for 60 days, love a lifetime, come on! what a deal!

  3. I know, right! B12 stores last a LONG time in your body, and there's no need to replenish at the rate that a lot of people seem to recommend. If you keep your knees bent and "soft" (as in, don't tense up until almost right after you land, and then use your muscles to resist the floor as opposed to the bone structure), it should help. You're right, you shouldn't hear much thud. But landing quietly, like, REALLY quietly, can actually be quite tiring.

  4. And I'll totally take hate for 60 days for lifetime of love WOOT!!!


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