Last night I bombed everything. I was so tired. Again. AGAIN!!! I got through the warm up but was pretty grumpy about it and quit. Felt really horrible and disappointed, and I had MAJORLY carbo-loaded prior. Went to bed around 9, didn't want to get up at 5 for work, slept in until 5:45, emailed my boss and said I'm coming in late and leaving late from now on. Got up around 7 with a new schedule in mind: wake up, eat a little something, work out, shower, make smoothie, make juice, get to work around 10:30, leave around 7:30. This way, I can sleep from 11-7. I realized that this past weekend I wasn't tired the whole day.. granted all the exercise from snowboarding gave me adrenaline to not be tired, but I worked my body hard and was the last to sleep and first to wake twice and wasn't tired throughout the day. (I totally paid for it on Sunday and Monday though, lol.) In addition to the benefit of the the ability to sleep from 11-7, my social life won't be too interrupted by a sleeping pattern of 8:30-4:30 5 nights a week. So here's to hoping this new schedule is something I can be happy with.. oh, and the commute at 10:00 isn't horrible.. it's like it is at 6:15. Took me about 45-50 mins to get to work. I just have to avoid the 1.5 hour commute that takes place around 8 and 9AM.
Anyway, back to the actual work out -- I realized I'm doing the side to side jump hop things wrong (get on your hands and throw your feet up from side to side like you suck at doing cartwheels). I lift one foot up and jump with the other whereas on the vids they do both feet at the same time. I tried doing that, but I only got to 2. That takes so much thigh muscles!!!!!!!!! Also, Shaun T, can I just let you know that I have a prejudice against exercises that contain the word "suicide" in them!? I already hate them from the beginning when I haven't even seen the exercise yet. Switch kicks from the ground are still super hard.. I wonder if I'll ever be able to do them. I really like Ariel. She seems sweet and hard working. And I thought it was super funny when Shaun T referred to Josh or Jeff that he's a b-boy and thinks he can do it all, lols. Interval Circuit COMPLETELY kicked my butt this morning... and I skipped the cool-down stretch because I was afraid I was going to be late for work. Which I was anyway. Sigh.
20 days to go!! My weight hasn't changed, but my physique has. My arms are toned and my abs are kind of sort of starting to show through... I want them to show without me flexing and pushing my hips forward though. In due time...
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