DAY 57!!!!! The end is in sight! I'm in the single-digit-days left!! Woohoo!
Lately my knee has started to hurt... urgh. Lots of jumping. Those who have sensitive knees, land softly!
Today was Max Interval Sports Training. I was 20% wanting to not do it, but I did it! It helped that this is the easiest work out next to the Recoveries, which I understand isn't saying much... and I still can't do all of the exercises. I don't think I explained it well last time: in Max Interval Sports Training you do training for boxing, football, basketball, gymnastics, and track & field. Boxing consists of many jabs and punches; football consists of many squats and jumps; basketball is more or less the same as football in doing squats and jumps, but in different ways; gymnastics is balance and strength; and track & field is much running. Boxing is the easiest for me and is reminiscent of cardio kickboxing at 24 Hour Fitness. Football and basketball got tiring with all of the squat jumps. Gymnastics is by far the hardest, with the things where you stand on your hands and the ab exercises (my hands kept slipping on the carpet, so it was as if I wasn't even using my hands. Although do the hands really help in the first place?!). Track & Field is hard too, but mostly because I suck at running.
I think it was the part in gymnastics I totally tapped out of: get in low plank on your palms and walk sideways. And then get in low plank on your palms again and pulse. When I get down there, I either fall all the way down or can't get up. I don't get how they do it. I also think with bronco jumps and the other one where your legs are straight shows that I lack back muscles or something; I can't get nearly as high, and today was much less about how scared I was because last time I was afraid I would do a front flip so I held back. This time I held back less but I feel physically incapable of doing those.
Oh yeah something else I wanted to say was that this past weekend I went rock climbing, and I really felt myself using my core. I'm sure that if I had not done Insanity, I would not have done as well as I did. Well, my buddies cheering me on (and doing it before I did HAHA) helped a ton. But in terms of muscle ability, flexibility and strength, this sense of "cross training" kicked in and I knew that my previous work outs with Insanity helped a ton. I can do anything!
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