Saturday, March 26, 2011

Insanity, Day 58: Snowboarding

Went snowboarding today. I figured out from Mammoth that I am completely capable of snowboarding AND doing Insanity, and I totally planned to do Insanity tonight, but then I got to thinking... is the loss in time worth it? Insanity is way harder than what I did snowboarding today, BUT, today I pushed myself and we were boarding from 8:30-3:30 with a lunch break. Anyway, I figured I'm too tired to do Insanity and it's okay. :) Man, that mountain did a number on me, lol. I don't predict I will be too sore tomorrow. I can really feel the ease of what used to be hard thanks to having trained my core and doing certain exercises to strengthen my legs. My upper body wasn't worked too much today other than for maintaining balance because I don't fall too much anymore, but overall I had a great exercise.