Tuesday, April 26, 2011

P90X, Day 11: Yoga

Oigh! I made it through about half of it. It wasn't as bad as the first time, but I got hungry during the session, so I stopped to eat a banana, then tried it up again but it just didn't feel good. Ah well. Until next week.

Last night and this morn...

Last night...
55.6% tbw
19% bf

This morn...
26" waist
119.0 lbs

Compared to April 6, I've lost body fat. oh damn! Looks like P90X is working!

Yesterday was my ideal day for eating.
  1. Ate an oat-date square (recipe here: http://ohsheglows.com/2011/03/28/5-ingredient-no-bake-vegan-date-squares/)
  2. Worked out
  3. Fruit smoothie + 21g hemp protein
  4. Banana
  5. Lunch (on the big side): a little bit of brown rice, lots of veggies, lots of tofu, in soy-based sauce
  6. Asian pear
  7. Apple
Drank 48-60oz of water. I ate mostly vegetables and fruit. Not much processed foods. No refined carbs or sugar. But not much protein either. I refrained from eating at night which was great. If I could have every day be like this, I'm sure to lose more body fat and tone up!

I looked up what people say about P90X Yoga and everyone says it's great and awesome and it makes P90X perfect. grumble grumble... I was looking for an "out." off to do 1.5 hours of yoga.