Monday, January 31, 2011

Insanity, Day 5: Pure Cardio

1/12 of the program down!

Oigh, today was tough too. I'm still the most sore I've ever been in my life in my calves. Stupid jumping. I'm not as bad as yesterday though. I still can't take long steps but I'm driving better and not afraid of my left calf seizing while I'm releasing the clutch. The good news about this Pure Cardio session is that the warm up and stretching is about 10 minutes in itself (the warm-up that makes me stop to take a breather multiple times? yeah, that one) and the actual cardio cardio part is 15 minutes and the last 5 is stretching again, which is typical of HIIT. I never feel like I'm moving fast enough in the football move (stand feet wide apart and almost jog in place really fast). The move that goes: hands down to the floor, push the feet back, do 8 push ups, run it out, feet back in, stand up, jump and go down again kills me. I didn't do the jumping jack push ups well either; I wish I did better in that one but I was so pooped from the work out before that. I also paused in the frog jumps but again it was because I was so tired. I paused the video once just to catch my breath and also took many breaks in between... The skiing move is okay for me. I think I could do much better with the frog jumps if I wasn't so tired. The squat jumps are starting to not feel as hard, as are staying stationary in some of the stretches for a long period of time (namely during that part where one foot is far in front of the back foot and one hand is down and one hand is up).

Tomorrow is plyometrics again... crap. Wednesday is my rest day. I know I won't be not sore anymore even after a rest day. Uh, I mean, I know I'll still be sore, despite a rest day. :)

Food: 2 bananas, asian pear, veggie sandwich and sweet potato fries, a little more than 1/2 my acai naked juice, 30 oz veggie juice, 6 pieces of non-chicken chicken (man, I am hooked on these things!), 3 16-oz bottles of water. Need to drink more water. Omg, am I not eating enough? This was only about 1200 calories I think...

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