Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Oigh! Why am I sore? I should not be sore. Oh, and in my FACE -- I was sore in my upper body after snowboarding on Saturday. I said I didn't use much of my upper body so I wouldn't be sore there but nope I totally am. I wonder if I'm too tight so when all of the adrenaline goes away I get sore? Or does the balancing act of being on a snowboard take proportionately more strength in my upper body compared to the proportionate increased strength in my legs to be and maneuver on a snowboard? But I'm really curious as to why I'm sore now. Did skipping 2 days really have that effect!? I'm about 1/2 as sore as I was when I first started doing Month 2. It's mostly my upper back muscles, not as much triceps and not at all biceps. I can really feel my core engaging when I do sports now. It's a great feeling! I feel more athletic and fit. I decided to start eating better so I can get that extra little "oomph" to shaping my body. Starting with... only one ice cream sandwich, not two, at night :) and I forwent the cookies at lunch. Better not to lighten the wallet to heavy the stomach eh? Keeping my wallet fat and my tummy .. not as fat. I'm still duck-status though, keeping some fat in my tummy just like a duck. Might stay that way. I don't think I'll go down anymore in clothes sizes -- my waist hasn't shrunken past 26" and there is already some definition forming, and my hips won't fit into anything smaller than a 4. Oh, but, so, ok I take what I said about clothes not getting smaller back. That's just pants sizes. My dress and shirt sizes have shrunken from medium to small! My broader shoulders sometimes keep me from wearing a small but for the most part I'm usually a small now instead of the previous default size medium. Woohoo!

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