Friday, April 29, 2011

Last night and this morn...

WOW I think my scale is trippin. Yesterday I had:
  1. Oatmeal-date square
  2. 42g protein smoothie - 266 cal
  3. Asian Pear - 100 cal
  4. Salad with greens, green beans, mac nuts, yellow and red peppers, 1/2-2/3 a square of fried wonton skin, some tofu, maybe some other stuff. no dressing
  5. Odwalla Choc Chip Trail Mix bar - 7g fat, 28g carb, 5g protein - 200 cals
I had my trail mix bar at around 4pm and I had lots of work for a bit and then had to rush over to Santa Monica for something. I didn't get home until 10:15-10:30 and went straight to bed. Well, that was after I weighed myself:

57.8% tbw
16.9% bf

My eyes nearly came out of my head. I weighed myself two more times and the measurements stayed within 0.3% of each other. I think I like drinking tons of water. :) I weighed myself this morning, and oddly enough, the pounds were the same as last night (119-119.2 lbs) but the water : body fat ratio was 54% : 21%. So that's pretty consistent of last week when I weighed myself and I was 54% hydrated and around 21%. I have created a contest against myself to see how hydrated I can be and how little body fat my scale can measure. I wonder if I can hit 75% hydration...

I've had to wake up at 5am for the past three mornings (including this morning) to go to work. I hope to make it to workout today but I'm not sure when I'll get home. I feel bloated and soft/weak and behind on my schedule. sadface

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