Tuesday, April 19, 2011

P90X, Day 4: Yoga

Ugh.. oh boy. Still super sore this morning especially in my bicep area. I can't lift, push, or pull anything! My triceps aren't so sore but my biceps are and unfortunately when you push you still use a little bit of your biceps so everything hurts no matter what. It was not easy yesterday to get out of cars even, because of my legs but mostly my arms. You never know how much you use different muscles until you are unable to use them!!

Yoga was this morning. I must admit I already dislike yoga but Tony Horton convinced me that doing yoga will help in all aspects of life. Ok, I exaggerated, but I do believe that yoga is great for the body and mind, as cliche as that sounds. Which is why I was really disappointed when I turned off the DVD after half an hour (1/3 of the way through it).

Why I hate yoga:
  1. It's boring.
  2. It's repetitive.
  3. Many of the moves are uncomfortable.
  4. I'm sure #3 goes away with time but getting there is a pain. Kind of like how beer and wine are "acquired tastes." I don't want to go through the trouble of acquiring those tastes because the means of doing so suck.
  5. It's worth saying again it's boring and repetitive.
Don't get me wrong. I give mad props to people who are super duper flexible and can do crazy moves with crazy balance. Also, I'm still sore which added to the pain of some of the moves. That was really only the beginning though. I became able to completely straighten my arm without any pain whatsoever, but now the pain is back all over my muscles. I just very much dislike yoga. Oh, and the fact that it's 1.5 freakin hours is discouraging!!! I think I *might* be able to pull of 40 mins of it. MAYBE an hour. But 1.5?! I want to be flexible but do I really have to go through plank, cobra stretch, plank, downward dog, leg lift, runner's pose, warrior pose 1, warrior pose 2, then all in reverse, 100 times for each side?

I have a confession to make: sometimes when I'm not good at something I quit right away because it's not enjoyable. Other things I work through (like snowboarding and ping pong). Yoga definitely belongs in the former category. When I'm unable to do certain moves and other people can I get discouraged easily, even though I know those people in the video have been doing it for a while, AND they made sure to include people who have different ranges of flexibility, from being able to put their entire palms on the ground to needing to use yoga blocks. So.. I don't know. Time was an issue. Maybe I can plan ahead next time....

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